Name of the competition: 教育部「精準健康產業跨領域人才培育計畫」2022跨領域創新創業競賽 Ranking and awards: 佳作 Title of entry: Entry list: 黃柏瑜、劉廷涵 Entry date: 2022/11/18 Place of entry: National Cheng Kung University
Name of the competition: 2022國立成功大學創新圓夢計畫-創新擇優 Ranking and awards: 學研組第一名 Title of entry: Entry list: 林哲偉、徐秀雲、黃柏瑜、劉廷涵 Entry date: 2022/07/26 Place of entry: Taiwan
Name of the competition: 2022數位教材創客松創賽 Ranking and awards: 第一名 Title of entry:專為中高齡口腔衰弱者製作的口腔機能訓練 Entry list: 陳嬿今、林哲偉、吳怡雯、廖姿婷、陳姿君 Entry date: 2022/07/20 Place of entry: Fooyin University
Name of the competition: the IFMBE Toh Siew Lok Student Design Award Ranking and awards: 第二名 Title of entry: Entry list: 謝侑良、賴誠信、溫子謙、李盈真、吳梓豪、朱俊憲 Entry date: 2022/06/12-2022/06/17 Place of entry: Singapore
Name of the competition: 協助醫學院配合臺南市政府衛生局辦理「提升急性腦中風轉診品質計畫」 Ranking and awards: Title of entry: Entry list: Entry date: 2022/04/01 Place of entry: National Cheng Kung University
Name of the competition: 2022中原大學醫工日創新醫材競賽醫工電子實作競賽 Ranking and awards: 第一名 Title of entry: Entry list: 簡峻亨、陳嘉雯、陳毓羿、陳暄𦭳、吳瑩苡 Entry date: 2022/05/14 Place of entry: Chung Yuan Christian University
Name of the competition: 2021國立成功大學創新圓夢計畫 Ranking and awards: 第三名 Title of entry: Entry list: 黃姵瑄、葛淯承、朱俊憲、林虹妘、鄒泓均、陳妍彣 Entry date: 2022/05/14 Place of entry: National Cheng Kung University
Name of the competition: 110年度無限次元智慧醫療競賽 Ranking and awards: 第二名 Title of entry: E-nose一定行 Entry list: 洪睿昇、徐嘉駿、阮國維南 Entry date: 2021/12/24 Place of entry: National Central University
Name of the competition: 參與國立成功大學醫學院醫學教育暨模擬教案 Ranking and awards: 虛擬實境教學榮譽獎 Title of entry: Entry list: Entry date: 2021/12/16 Place of entry: National Cheng Kung University
Name of the competition: 2021年生物醫學工程科技研討會-科技部醫工學門成果發表會暨第三屆國際工程與科技研討會 Ranking and awards: 最佳口頭報告獎 Title of entry: Entry list: Che-Wei Lin, You-Liang Xie, Chou-Ching K. Lin, Ju-Yi Chen, Liang-Miin Tsai, Yung Chang, Chao-Wen Lee, Xin-Rong Lin, Yu-Hsiu Yen, Tzu-Chien Wen, Yin-Chen Lee and Yu-Cheng Ko Entry date: 2021/11/19-2021/11/20 Place of entry: National Chung Hsing University
Name of the competition: 國立成功大學90週年校慶系列活動-工學院研究日-青年學者論文競賽 Ranking and awards: 佳作 Title of entry: Entry list: Entry date: 2021/11/10 Place of entry: National Cheng Kung University
Name of the competition: 社團法人台灣醫事檢驗學會110年會 Ranking and awards: sysmex優秀壁報論文獎 Title of entry: 運用電子鼻建立菌株氣味資料及自動辨識演算法開發 Entry list: 王薪維、蔡佩芳、蔡佩珍、王竣令、李南瑤、林哲偉 Entry date: 2021/11/06 Place of entry: Online
Name of the competition: 2021國立成功大學創新圓夢計畫 Ranking and awards: 第一名 Title of entry: Entry list: 董彥強、洪睿昇、阮國維南、 艾索爾、林虹妘、徐嘉駿 Entry date: 2021/08/01 Place of entry: National Cheng Kung University
Name of the competition: 2020 Global Student Innovation Challenge – Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (gSIC-REAT) Ranking and awards: 第二名 Title of entry: Entry list: 劉尚銘、施又嘉、李芳瑜、賴誠信、黃姵瑄 Entry date: 2020/12/03 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 2020醫學工程創意競賽 Ranking and awards:第一名 Title of entry: Entry list: 劉尚銘、李芳瑜、施又嘉 Entry date: 2020/10/17 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 2020國研盃儀器科技創新獎 Ranking and awards: 第二名 Title of entry: Entry list: 王晴、張力仁、成佩珊 Entry date: 2020/10/17 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 109年教學創新與教學成果發表競賽 Ranking and awards: 第一名 Title of entry: Entry list: 蔡慧頻、林怡婷、葉峻昇、林哲偉、劉尚銘、Evan Adrian Adhi、Luthfan Fauzan Entry date: 2020/10/13 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 2020無限次元智慧醫療競賽 Ranking and awards: 第一名 Title of entry: Entry list: Luthan Fauzan、邱秀慧、李肇文 Entry date: 2020/01/03 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 2019 ARM設計競賽 ARM Idea+ 實現創意有意思 Ranking and awards: 第二名&最佳人氣獎 Title of entry: Entry list: 周保廷、鍾愛、林欣蓉 Entry date: 2019/06/26-2019/11/06 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 2018無限次元智慧醫療競賽 Ranking and awards: 第二名 Title of entry: Entry list: Febryan Setiawan、陳姵蓁、溫子謙 Entry date: 2018/12/20 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: Engineering Medical Innovation Global Competition 2018 (EMdIC Global 2018) Ranking and awards: Gold Award Title of entry: 黃子華、張永、王意雯、 謝侑良、楊浚隴、張菡容、林欣蓉 、徐慶航 Entry date: 2018/08/16-2018/08/18 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: Engineering Medical Innovation Global Competition 2018 (EMdIC Global 2018) Ranking and awards: Bronze Award Title of entry: Entry list: 黃子華、張永、王意雯、 謝侑良、楊浚隴、張菡容、林欣蓉 、徐慶航 Entry date: 2018/08/16-2018/08/18 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 106年度大專學生研究計畫 Ranking and awards: 創作獎 Title of entry: Entry list: 周保廷 Entry date: 2018/07/01-2019/2/28 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: TAIRA Final Pitch Ranking and awards: 優選 Title of entry: Entry list: 黃子華 Entry date: 2018/06/15 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 成大醫工系專題競 Title of entry: Ranking and awards:第二名&佳作 Entry list:吳旻昇、鍾愛 Entry date:2017/10/7 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 2017新一代設計產學合作專案獎 Title of entry: Ranking and awards: 金獎 Entry list: 黃子華 Entry date: 2017/06/07 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: Acer 2016 創星智造大賽 最佳人氣獎 Title of entry: Entry list: 張永、王意雯 Entry date:2016/10/14 Place of entry:
Name of the competition: 2016年第一屆全球創新醫學工程設計大賽 Title of entry: Entry list: 蘇廷育、陳子揚、廖文寧、林阡鈺、黃秀剛 Entry date: 2016/08/18-2016/08/20 Place of entry: